Class Description
Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Knowledge of the five elements allows the yogi to understand the laws of nature and to use yoga to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom and happiness. These five components are part of our daily lives and are poured into everything we do, including the practice of yoga.
Each element is responsible for different structures in the body. Earth forms solid structures, such as bones, flesh, skin, tissues, and hair. Water forms saliva, urine, semen, blood, and sweat. Fire forms hunger, thirst, and sleep. Air is responsible for all movement, including expansion, contraction, and suppression. Space forms physical attraction and repulsion, as well as fear.
If any element is impure or out of balance with another, disease and suffering may occur. This course helps in gaining the balance and knowledge of every element.
What this Recorded Class series includes:
- Understanding of the 5 Elements – Panchabhutas
- Five 90min practice session videos focusing on each of the 5 Elements
- Unlimited access to the course for 30days.
- Course has been designed to provide a scheduled injury-free practice.
- Access the course anytime, anywhere.
This is course is suitable for both beginners and experienced yoga practitioners. Join the course to connect with the five elements and your body. Incorporate the knowledge of 5 elements in your everyday yoga practice. The course will be delivered by experienced Anahata Yoga Zone instructors.
Here is the recorded classes schedule. You can watch the Introduction video below.